Sunday, 24 November 2013

Classic colours.

The design in typewriters is sometimes astonishing. Thinking about the classic Underwood Square like design and then turning your attention to the circular design of a minty Hermes 3000 is very fascinating. It is therefor, in my opinion, a pity that there isn't one digital object these days that have a bit of creative design in them. I mean...looking at the flat screen TV's these days, they are not very heart warming, are they? I mean, when they are turned off, it looks like you have a black hole on your wall. One laptop looks just like the other and then lets not start on mobile devices. The only creative side you get from a IPhone or IPad is when you buy a good looking sleeve for them, so they'll be protected when they bounce off the sidewalk. And then when I tell people my opinion, they tell me I am old school.
I am a artist. And I like good looking things. Today's cars and computers, are not good-looking. They are dull and they haven't been build to look good at all...which is really something I miss. Back in the 70's, cars couldn't be shinier and more impressive, with loads of chrome., every car I see on a car dealerships parking lot, is nothing else but small Prius looking cars that are too small for a person of my proportion. Right...I mean...what does the eye get?
Typewriters...or most typewriters, are good looking, colourful, and people bought them based on if they would fit in the décor of their home.
Do you buy your computer based on that?
I think it is more based on performance.

If that would be the case, back in the day. The Smith-Corona Skyriter or Zypher would've never made it unfortunately. Because they look good, but the Zypher is far from being practical and the machine I would choose for writing long draft, if even a longer letter.

But they do look good.

Typewriters have so many different colours and shapes, it is wonderful to go through the cases in my closets and select a typewriter for a letter, based on my mood. Am I mad, confused or tired...out comes the grey. But am I happy, energetic filled with enthusiasm for a positive attitude...the only thing you will see me picking away at will be a colourful Smith-Corona or Royal. Isn't it funny how I put this down on my blog...I become more and more drawn to start a letter for my grandmother at 10:45 PM exact? :-) 


  1. That's a nice selection of stylish typewriters in your photos, each one different.

  2. I couldn't agree more. It's a disposable society - they want you to become attached to the brand but not to the built-in obsolescent end product. Yes, great selection of typewriters!

    1. I know right? How often do you come across a egg-yolk yellow laptop, or purple blue?
      How often do you see a different modern camper in a different colour then grey, brown, and white?
